The Application of Imagination

The Application of Imagination for Children!  article-new_ehow_images_a04_pt_b3_spark-imagination-800x800

Starts Tuesday 15th January for 5 weeks

Using a combination of techniques I help your child to use the practical  application of their own imagination to cope with the stresses and challenges in their lives. 

Children's unconscious minds are constantly absorbing information and creating patterns of reaction.  By gently introducing ways of using imagination in a practical way, they can create personal strategies for relieving stress, dealing with setbacks and generally building mental resilience. I have many years of experience working with children and their imaginations and never cease to be amazed by how quickly they not only grasp new concepts, but run with them and make them their own.  

My groups are very gentle, but your child will not be sitting for an hour in the lotus position chanting mantras!  There is an element of meditation which is delivered in a very practical way, and there is a lot of pretending and 'acting as if'.  We will touch on habit change, coping with 'worm days' (if you don't know what they are then ask me!), resilience building and self-confidence but also exploring our imaginations for the sake of pure fun.  Whilst there is a potentially therapeutic element to the classes, they are suitable for anyone*.

I ask that children are booked for a 5 week 'course' as it is important for them and me to get to know how each individual works within a group - new people coming in half-way through may be disruptive for some children.  Groups are limited to 10 and take place at The Bagnall Centre, 71-79 Waterside, Chesham HP5 1PE


5-7 years  (please bring a grown-up**)  3.30—4.30pm

8-10 years (grown-up optional) 4.45—5.45pm (***)

11+ Please contact to register interest

Cost £45 per child (2nd and subsequent child £35 each)

Book now on 07886 190921 or call The Bagnall Centre on 01494 791228 

* Please note that I cannot accommodate any disruptive behaviour, so please ensure that your child understands that.  

**One adult with up to 3 children

***Children who are left for their group must be collected promptly at 5.45.